Daily Bible reading is a foundational spiritual discipline in the life of a believer. Some days the words jump off the page and are like water to thirsty souls. But other times reading the Bible seems dry and lifeless. The stories seem ancient and irrelevant. The verses once highlighted seem far too familiar. And the Bible is closed without a sense of His nearness and the sound of His voice.
If you are in a season of dryness, you may feel distant from God and are struggling to grow spiritually. It can be frustrating and discouraging. But there are things you can do to draw near to God in a season when Bible reading has become dry.
1. Read the Bible in a different translation
We are blessed to have multiple English translations of the Bible. If you typically read in one translation, but the text has become overly familiar to you, consider switching translations. Different words and phrasing will often strike you in a new and fresh way. This is a simple way to infuse life into your Bible reading.
2. Handwrite Scripture
Another way to combat dryness in Bible reading is to handwrite Scripture. The practice of slowing down and copying the text word for word, allows you to meditate on passages you might otherwise fly over. The peaceful habit of handwriting Scripture will slow your mind and heart and keep you focused on Jesus. You will be amazed at how God’s Word soaks into your soul as it spills out on the page. If you need a little start, check out my Scripture Writing Plans for every book of the Bible.
3. Ask God to renew your sense of wonder
If you are in a season of dryness, go to God in prayer and ask Him to give you a renewed sense of His presence and eyes to see the wonder of His Word. Ask Him to multiply your passion for the Bible. And then read your Bible with one goal in mind: Look for what it says about the character and ways of God. Scripture promises that if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us (James 4:8). Believe this is true for you.
You don't have to stay in spiritual desert. Keep opening your Bible every day. Jesus promised, “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14). Living water from Jesus is the cure for spiritual dryness.
Check out my Scripture Writing Plans!
Looking for a Bible reading plan? The Story of Redemption is a 40-day Bible reading plan designed to trace the storyline of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation.