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The Story of the Bible (Part 1)

The Bible is one grand narrative; it tells ONE story. The story of redemption spans from Genesis to Revelation, featuring our great God and His plan for His creation. The Old Testament points forward to the New Testament, and the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. As we begin to see the connections, Scripture takes on a whole new meaning. There are treasures to be discovered.

Over the next 8 weeks, we will be exploring the story of the Bible from cover to cover. As we move through the Bible chronologically, we will stop at places along the way that speak to God’s plan throughout the history of redemption. In this unfolding drama, we will meet people that God used for His purposes, places that were sacred, and events that shaped the narrative. Nothing is by accident. Every bit of Scripture is God-breathed, purposefully pointing us to the Master Storyteller and Redeemer of our souls. 


1. God Creates a Good World

The story of redemption begins this way: “In the beginning God ...“ Immediately we are confronted with the reality that this is not a book about us, but about the Triune God:

  • God created the heavens and earth (Gen. 1:1)

  • The Spirit hovered over the face of the waters (Gen. 1:2)

  • All things were made through Jesus (John 1:3)

God created humanity in His image as the crown of His good creation. Our purpose is to reflect His glory along with the heavens, which are constantly shouting His praise.  

2. Humanity Chooses Rebellion

It’s only a few pages into the story of redemption when things take a drastic turn for the worse. Adam and Eve listen to the voice of the enemy, doubt God’s goodness, and chose to rebel against God. One wrong choice ushered in a tidal wave of sin and brokenness that has flooded our world ever since. Every person throughout time is born in the likeness of Adam, having a sin nature contrary to God’s holiness. In fact, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We desperately need a Saviour. 

3. The Flood

Approximately 1600 years after God created a good world, sin had wreaked enough havoc to warrant destruction. Only one man on earth was found to be righteous. God called Noah to build an ark for the saving of his family, and then He preserved them through the flood waters. Noah’s family emerged into a re-made world and began to repopulate it. God has kept His promise never to flood the earth again, but one day it will be destroyed by fire. Those who are safe in the ark, that is Christ, will be saved. 

4. The Abrahamic Covenant

The focus of the story of redemption has shifted to one man, Abraham. God promised to bless Abraham and make his name great, so much so that all the families of the earth would be blessed through him. Although he was childless, his descendants would be like the stars in the sky. In hope, Abraham believed God and God credited it to him as righteousness. As the years passed and the cradle remained empty, Abraham’s faith was unwavering. He was fully convinced God was able to do what He had promised. 

5. God Tests Abraham

At 100 years old Abraham became the father of the child of promise - Isaac. What joy and laughter must have filled their home! But one day, God called Abraham to the greatest test of his faith. “Take your son, your only son, the son you love, and offer him as a burnt offering to Me.” Without hesitation, but undoubtedly with much agony, Abraham obeyed, traveling to the mountain God specified. Seeing that Abraham did not withhold the son he loved, God intervened and provided a ram instead for the offering. 


This 40-day Bible reading plan spans the metanarrative of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, making stops along the way that speak to God's plan throughout the history of redemption.


Each day includes three passages of Scripture totalling 4-5 chapters of daily reading, a bit from the Old Testament, a bit from the New Testament and a psalm. Challenge yourself to look for connections as you read. Remember, the Bible is ONE story!


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